First a little bragging… I have always known I had a good guy, even before he knew I had him. It was always funny to me when people told me “how lucky” I was to have found him and “what a great catch” he was. Do people say this to women because we are the “better” sex and it’s easier to find a good woman than it is to find a good man? Are they trying to “sell” the idea to me that I’ve got a good one? Hello, people, I’m a very smart woman. I knew almost from the beginning that I had found my match, my balance. That being said, Chad does things now and then to reinforce that knowledge. At the risk of giving him a big head, or at least larger than it is now, I feel the need to brag just a little.
At 13w5d (last Monday), we had our NT scan with the Perinatologist and got the incredible ultra sound pictures that were posted in the last entry. That same week on Friday (14w2d), I was scheduled for a regular check up. Nothing new, nothing exciting, just a check up with my regular doctor. Chad had worked out of town (Alabama actually) on Thursday and got home around 2 AM Friday morning. Earlier Thursday when we discussed it, he didn’t know if he was going to come with me for the check up because he was going to get in so late. When I woke him up (as discussed) to give him the chance to go (after only 6 hours of sleep), he laid in bed for a few minutes then got up happily to go with me. I had told him numerous times, that he didn’t have to go, there wouldn’t be anything new, he could stay in bed. (And yes, I only say that when I mean it.) He just wanted to go and see The Nugget. I know it’s not a big thing, but it’s the little things that make me love him all the more.
OK many grill plates does a new father need?????
By the way, what's a grill plate?
This is adorable!