Monday, October 4, 2010

The First Few Questions

A couple of the first questions I get asked is "how do I feel" and "do I get morning sickness".  Most days I feel pretty good.  At first I was a bit tired, now it comes and goes.  As for morning sickness, I've only had a few bouts of nausea, mostly triggered by stress.  It really doesn't surprise me, though.  Since at least high school, I've had a bad habit of working myself into a fit of anxiety, sometimes to the point of being physically ill.  The fact that I've always had issues with motion sickness hasn't helped either ("they" say both are related).  Luckily, the prenatal vitamins don't bother my stomach, but the DHA pill I take right before I go to sleep, they taste disgusting on their way back up.  ;o)

These days when somebody asks me how I feel, I pretty much always answer, "hungry."  I haven't had any real food aversions or cravings, but I LOVE me some Mexican food.  I could pretty much eat tacos 5 times a day (and that's mostly before 3 PM).  I am constantly hungry, which worries me a little, but the scale says I'm still doing pretty well.

Other than that, everything seems pretty good.  We'll see how the next 2 trimesters go...


  1. We're so happy that you're doing this blog, and we really hope that you'll keep it up even after you deliver.
    BTW, it's 11:50 here on the left bank, I can't sleep, so I decided to get up and have some middle-of-the-night ice cream. Do you think that I'm... uh.. okay??
    Love, Dad

  2. Re: your post... I should have cooked a piece of salmon instead... It's good for your baby's brain and eye development... and tastes better than DHA caps!
