Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Time Sure Flies...

Already we've reached week 29 and have only 11 left in the countdown.  Where did it all go?

I guess it doesn't seem like that long of a time because I've had a generally easy preganancy.  During the first trimester I was a little tired and always hungry, but I'll take that over morning sickness any day.  And I still love tacos and salsa, even after constantly eating them for 3 months.

The second trimester was pretty much cake.  My energy came back and I've slept pretty well.  I didn't gain too much weight, and had very rare swelling in my fingers and feet (mostly from the heat).  I've only had a couple of hormonal outbursts, and even those weren't as bad as I've seen others have.  I guess the worst thing I can say about the 2nd trimester is the shortness of breath I got (and still get) every once in a while.  I think Nuggette just sits a bit funky or moves a bit to push on the lungs and makes it a bit hard to inhale.

So far in the third trimester, I'm still feeling pretty good.  I'm getting a little more tired from a little less sleeeping - there's this big bump in the way.  But other than that, nothing's changed from the last trimester.  I expect to start getting bigger as Nuggette starts to put on the pounds.  I expect my fingers and feet to swell a little more.  And I expect to become a bit anxious at some point.  Right now, it still hasn't sunk in.  I guess it'll hit me when we start putting a nursery together or when I'm on the way to the hospital.

For now, Chad's taking full advantage of the more relaxed me. We'll just have to see how long that lasts.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. I would've never guessed in a million that you'd have a touchy moment. Just 11 weeks and the Adventure Really Begins. Can't wait, it's going to be so much fun.
    Love you,
