Monday, November 29, 2010

Valerie - 0; Madame Zaritska -1

Wednesday, we went to the doctor for the anatomy scan - a sonogram that takes multiple measurements and checks the growth of all the organs.  We were told that everything is right on schedule, little Nugget is growing healthy and everything is is perfectly normal.  Nugget was asleep when we got there, so we had to poke around for a bit before we could get the measurements.  Then it came time to find out if we were having a mini-Chad or a mini-Val.

Nugget's legs were firmly closed.  "In my experience, it's usually the girls that are modest," said the doctor.

"But can you see anything?"  We both wanted to know for sure.

"See those little lines?"  To be honest, we couldn't.  It all just looked like a bunch of different, indistinguishable white and black.  "Well, that's what it looks like to me."  What does she mean that's what it looks like to her?  She's the expert.  Is it a boy or girl?  Is there outdoor plumbing or not? We asked her if she was sure.  "Yep.  That's it."  This whole time I've been thinking we were going to have a little boy.  Looks like my maternal instinct is not on track yet.

We were both in a little bit of shock.  In fact, Chad's response was, "Oh, crap.  Now I have to buy a shotgun."  I just couldn't speak.  They finished with the few print outs of the pictures and sent us into the waiting room again to wait for our regular check up.  We both just sat there with goofy grins.  I couldn't stop giggling.  "I thought for sure it was a boy!"

Looks like Madame Zaritska is one up on me.  We'll see about the other predictions she made.  We'll find out in 20 more weeks, give or take.

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